How to Be More Productive as a Student

student cheers as they read a letter at their desk
Category: Going Back to School

By Matt Rowley
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Enrolling in a degree program can feel daunting. Without the right tools for success, students may get frustrated, confused or even drop out.

Staying productive is one of the keys to being a successful student. In this article, we’ve compiled six of our favorite productivity tips for students to help you achieve your goals.

1. Ask for Help

Stumped on schoolwork? Many colleges offer numerous support services to help guide you through your college experience. For example, here at Columbia Southern University, our Math and Writing Centers offer resources to students to assist them throughout their academic careers, regardless of the degree they seek.

Related: 9 Quick Writing Tips for Students

2. Focus on One Task at a Time

Even the best multi-taskers are only successful at juggling multiple projects for so long. To make sure you get it all done, focus on one item at a time. Finish your discussion board assignment before starting on your paper. Read Chapter 11 before going to bed. Creating these types of rules for yourself can help keep you disciplined, focused and less stressed.

3. No All-Nighters

To prepare for a big exam, you may feel tempted to stay up all night and study. This habit, though widely practiced, is extremely detrimental to your memory, energy and sleep schedule. Research shows that sleeping helps memory retention when students are preparing for a test. So instead of burning the midnight oil before your exams, study in short intervals throughout the day and then get a full night’s sleep before the big test.

4. Prioritize and Plan

The most productive business leaders in the world understand the importance of time management. In one day, they try to maximize every minute to create the highest amount of productivity. Look at your tasks, prioritize them in order and then plan out how you will spend your day.

5. Reduce Screen Time

While taking a break from studying is positive for your brain, too much screen time and social media use can become a larger distraction, even for adults. Try using social media blocking apps or alarms to limit your entertainment screen time. Also, think carefully about the content you’re consuming during screen time. Watching a short documentary on your phone during a break isn’t likely to be as harmful to your productivity and mental health as doomscrolling.

6. Write It Out

Even though your classes may be online, your notes don’t have to be. Take your study session offline and write out your notes. Try going outside or settling into a comfy sofa to write them out. Getting into a new space and slowing down to write your notes on paper will help with retention and understanding of the material.

Achieve Your Education Goals With CSU

If you’re interested in going back to school and putting these productivity tips to use, consider enrolling in one of the online degree programs here at Columbia Southern University. All CSU students have access to resources to help them get the most out of their investment in education. Our support services include academic advising, career support, access to a digital resource library and much more.

If you’d like to learn more about our online degree programs at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels, visit our website.

Multiple factors, including prior experience, geography, and degree field, affect career outcomes. CSU does not guarantee a job, promotion, salary increase, eligibility for a position, or other career growth. Testimonials may not reflect the experience of all CSU students.

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