CE 1209: Forensic Administration

About This Course

This course examines the effective administration and management practices of crime scene practitioners and crime laboratory scientists. Students will identify the legal concerns of individual science and lab accreditation standards as well as identifying best practices surrounding certification of various disciplines and subfields in the forensic sciences. Students will examine the use of technology, software, and equipment to enhance procedures and techniques of the field.

These programs are not eligible for Federal Student Aid, military tuition assistance, VA funding or Learning Partner discounts.

Textbook(s) / eBook(s)

All course materials are included in the course at no additional fee.

Peak, K. J. & Giacomazzi, A.L. (2019). Justice Administration: Police, courts, and corrections management. 9th edition.


  1. Students may request a course extension if the course is not completed within the allotted 10 week time frame. Extension options are available, with associated, non-refundable processing fees. Students who do not complete the course with a 70% or higher within the allotted 10 weeks and do not request a course extension will be removed from the course. Back to duration

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