Columbia Southern University has articulation agreements with many other institutions of higher learning and training facilities across the country. These articulations provide for the smooth transition of credits and/or degrees earned at these universities and colleges. CSU maximizes your transfer credit at every opportunity!

A listing of CSU articulations and their descriptions can be found below. For additional information on any of the articulations, please contact a CSU Admissions Staff Member at 800-977-8449.

Columbia Southern University is committed to helping students make the most of their previously earned academic credits, professional licenses, certificates and training programs. CSU also considers credit by examination, and knowledge learned by experiential or equivalent learning.

Transcript Request Service

CSU will obtain domestic transcripts from previously attended institutions and high schools, and secure GED scores on your behalf. Some institutions may require the student to obtain transcripts directly. If this is the case, we will notify you via email.

Complete the application for admission to start processing your transcript request(s) today.

Undergraduate Articulations

Graduate Articulations